
Origins of Mid-Autumn Festival
发布时间: 2022-09-07 来源: 荔湾区人民政府 浏览次数:-
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  《鹅潭月夜》徐广文 13902226328.jpg

(图:《鹅潭月夜》 摄影:徐广文 )

  It is believed that the festival originated from the custom of moon worship during the Zhou Dynasty over 3,000 years ago. The term "Mid-Autumn" first appeared in the book Rites of Zhou (《周礼》):August was the middle month of the three months of autumn, and the fifteenth day of one month is the middle day of that month. Therefore, the fifteenth day of August is called "mid-autumn", or simply "mid-August".


  In ancient China, the emperors practiced moon worshipping rituals at mid-autumn every year. The custom was gradually adopted by the masses over time and became a festival during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1279).


  Su Shi (1037-1101), a famous poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, once wrote: "Tasting mooncakes is much like tasting the moon, the smooth and sweet flavor tickling my taste buds." However, the tradition of eating mooncakes was not established until the Yuan Dynasty (A.D.1271-1368). In 2008, in order to promote its traditional culture more effectively, the Chinese government set up a three-day public holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival.


  During the Song dynasty, moon gazing was an extremely popular activity. At Mid-Autumn Festival, people would climb to the top of pagodas to view the full moon, while rich people would arrange lavish feasts in their own pagodas or pavillons to appreciate the moon and celebrate the festival with their families. Shops and restaurants in the capital city would redecorate their facades and hang colorful cloth on their archways. Fresh fruits and fine food would be sold by merchants. The night market would be bustling with activity.

