
  • 《礼记》载:秋暮夕月。即在秋天的傍晚祭拜月神。

    An account of this tradition can be found in The Books of Rites: "People worship the moon during autumn nights."

  • 唐僖宗在中秋食月饼,味道极美,便命御膳房用红绫包裹月饼赏赐给新科进士们。

    To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day, Emperor Xizong of Tang (reigned A.D.873-888) ate some mooncakes. Founding these delicious, he ordered the chefs to wrap them in red silk and present them to new imperial scholars.

  • 浙江一带除中秋赏月外,观潮可谓是另一件中秋盛事。

    In Zhejiang province, apart from admiring the full moon, watching the tide is another grand event of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  • 江南一带有制灯船的习俗,迎接潮神生日,请求他不要给人们带来灾难。

    In Jiangnan, it is a tradition to hang lanterns on boats during the Mid-Autumn Festival in celebration of the birth of the tide deity. It is said that this will please the deity and prevent disasters.

  • 南方广泛流传着烧瓦子灯(或称烧花塔,烧瓦塔,烧番塔)的游戏。

    Burning pagodas The game of burning pagodas is popular in Southern China.

  • 中国是龙的故土,在香港大坑中秋节舞火龙已有一百多年的历史。

    Dragons are an important part of Chinese culture. It has been a tradition in Tai Hang, Hong Kong, to perform the fire dragon dance during the Mid-Autumn Festival for over a century.
